cases → CSR in EU-10 monitoring → Hungary

- Visteon Ltd. - CSR monitoring

Mr. I. H. has been working for Visteon Ltd. since July 1996. At the time of the noted incident (at March 2002), Mr. I. H. was working on the production line of compressors. The respective production engineer of the factory had instructed workers including Mr. I. H. to remove the Teflon layer from certain car parts, using a solvent.


A certain type of rubber gloves was provided by the company as personal protective equipment for this activity; however, the gloves were soon decomposed by the solvent. Another type of gloves was then provided but the same phenomenon happened. This again occurred with a third type of gloves that could not resist the solvent for more than 30 minutes. At the third try, the gloves on the hands of Mr. I. H. were so much damaged that the solvent contacted the surface of the skin on the hands of the worker which caused burns requiring medical treatment. The injury lasted days after the incident.


Later it was revealed that the company was aware of the safety data sheet of the solvent used and that it required the use of a certain specific type of protective gloves. However, none of the 3 types of gloves tested in the process were identical with the one required by the safety data sheet.


Mr. I. H. has been working for Visteon Ltd. until July 19, 2004, when his employment contract was unilaterally terminated by the employer, according to the opinion of Mr. I. H. with false reasoning.


for further information, please see attached case study


- EPCOS Ltd. - CSR monitoring

Answering both customer and social expectations, EPCOS Ltd. has changed from the use of lead to lead-free technologies in all its processes. i.e. either totally abolished the use of lead or minimized it to the utmost level possible. Thus, not just the production process but the final products are more environmentally friendly.


EPCOS Ltd. in its ALU-ELKO plant installed a bioreactor for the treatment of technological waste waters. In the bioreactor, bacteria break down pollutants into two harmless substances, carbon dioxide and water. The pre-cleansed water then flows through a system of ultra-fine diaphragms and can finally be channeled into the sewer system. Instead of expensive transshipment and thermal disposal of pollutants, only residual amounts of sludge are now produced, which are properly removed. It also consumes less energy.


EPCOS Ltd. offers the following services and programmes to its employees:

  • "Employee of the Month" programme
  • 10-year swimming pool pass
  • 5-year fitness salon pass
  • 5-year body building salon pass
  • bowling championship
  • soccer championship
  • annual free Christmas lunch
  • biannual EPCOS Day


for further information, please see attached case study


- FIDH fact-finding mission on CSR in Hungary

In July 2006, FIDH organised a fact-finding mission on CSR in Hungary. In the workplan, this mission was due to take place in March, but FIDH eventually needed more time to prepare the mission. It benefited in this matter from the local expertise and support of the Hungarian partner of the project, EMLA.

The mission aimed at documenting and analysing how CSR is implemented by various national and multinational companies. It also sought to examine the Hungarian regulatory framework and to understand the rôle of the various stakeholders involved in CSR in the country. The mission thus interviewed a broad range of players, including governmental or international institutions (Ministry of Employment and Labour, OECD, ILO), multinational and national corporations (Tesco, Auchan, Magyar Telecom, MOL, OTP, American Chamber of commerce, etc.), unions and NGOs working on human rights, environmental and consumers issues.


For furher information, please see attached report
