conference → invitation

"Corporate social responsibility in the EU- 10: Expectations vs. Reality"



Conference under patronage of former Czech president Václav Havel


CEELI Institute Prague, Havlickovy sady 58, 120 00 Prague 2, Czech Republic

15 September 2006



The GARDE programme of EPS  and the League of Human Rights will be holding a conference on Corporate Social Responsibility in Central Europe at the CEELI facility in Prague 15 September 2006. We would like to invite up to 110 Central European participants from NGOs, the business sector, government, academia, and trade unions to participate.


the main goals of the conference


1) To debate how Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), primarily that of multinational corporations, is being implemented in Central Europe.


2) To present the results of a yearlong project on CSR with partners from seven new Member States.


Representatives of the individual stakeholders listed above will then be able to openly debate essential questions concerning CSR, for example:


  • Is CSR a sufficient response to global challenges today?
  • Do we need a mandatory legal framework for CSR, and is certification a way to accelerate CSR development?
  • How do companies conceive of their "responsibility"?


We are particularly glad the CEELI Institute has agreed to hold this conference at its facility.


Participation is free of charge.
Please confirm your preliminary participation by filling out the attached registration form and returning it to the organizers until 31 August 2006 :


by post to:
Liga lidských práv
Na rybníčku 16
120 00 Prague 2
Czech Republic
or fax no.: +420 224 941 092
or e-mail:


You can also register yourself  on-line.



download conference invitation


download conference registration form


The conference has been made possible through funding from the European Commission - DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities; the International Visegrad Fund (; Royal Netherlands Embassy; Friedrich Ebert Stiftung; and the Heinrich Boell Foundation. The sole responsibility of this material lies with the author (EPS). The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
We would like to extend our thanks to all donors and media partners